Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer MSc
Psychotherapist (Integrative Therapy) |
Social worker
The psychotherapy I am educated to deliver is Integrative Therapy. There’s more information on this here. I also teach aspiring psychotherapists (Fachspezifikum Integrative Therapie, ÖAGG).
I am also a social worker and have been in this profession for over 15 years. This has enabled me to gather a lot of experience which you can benefit from in psychotherapy, couples therapy and counselling.
Amongst other jobs I have worked as the regional manager for Familiengerichtshilfe, at various family counselling services and in probation services. From my job experience I have acquired specific knowledge of relationships, family, separation and divorce (including custody and visitation issues), domestic violence and personality disorders (especially borderline (BPD) issues).
Take a look at my CV for further information.
I am able to provide psychotherapy, couples therapy and counselling in English without any difficulty as I have lived in the UK (Birmingham, Hull, Leeds) for several years and am perfectly fluent.
Meet me in an initial, free of charge appointment.
praxis petersdorfer
Psychotherapie | Paartherapie |
Beratung | Supervision | Training
Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer, MSc
Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Therapie)
Mobil: 0676/7221491
Zieglergasse 57/3, 1070 Wien
IBAN: AT97 1420 0200 9449 9861