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Welcome to my homepage.
Have a look round to find out about my services, myself and my practice.
In my practice room in the 7th district in Vienna I offer psychotherapy, couples therapy and counselling.
If you are unsure which of my services is the right one for you, I am happy to advise you in an initial appointment.
I am a BMFJ accredited counsellor and therefore able to deliver counselling as required by § 95 Abs. 1a AußStrG regarding the specific needs of minors resulting from divorce as required by court.
You can also access court ordered parents’, family and child guidance counselling as required by § 107 Abs. 3 Z 1 AußStrG, as I am accredited by the BMFJ to deliver this as well.
In addition, I offer a variety of seminars and self awareness sessions, some of them in English.
I base my work around your needs and wishes as I believe you are the expert for your own life. I aim to support you in finding solutions based on your experience, personality, individual situation, your environment and your competences.
I am able to provide psychotherapy, couples therapy and counselling in English without any difficulty as I have lived in the UK for several years (Birmingham, Hull, Leeds - please excuse the accent!).
Contact me for further information.
praxis petersdorfer
Psychotherapie | Paartherapie |
Beratung | Supervision | Training
Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer, MSc
Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Therapie)
Mobil: 0676/7221491
Zieglergasse 57/3, 1070 Wien
IBAN: AT97 1420 0200 9449 9861