Please make sure to arrive on time as the session times cannot be extended. Should your session be shorter than 50 minutes due to your late arrival, you will still have to pay the full price.
In case you are unable to come to an appointment please let me know as soon as possible (email, contact form, phone, text message). If you cancel less than 24 hours before the appointment you will still have to pay the full price of the session.
Payment of court ordered parents’, family and child guidance counselling as required by § 107 Abs. 3 Z 1 AußStrG is due in cash at the end of each session unless we have agreed something different (such as bank transfer).
All session content is confidential.
To maintain a high standard of quality in my service, I regularly access professional supervision in the course of which I discuss contents of my work with my supervisor. In this context too, I do not pass on names or any details which might make your identifiable. The supervisor as well as any possible further participants of supervision sessions too have a duty to keep all information confidential.
Despite my confidentiality guidelines, I may have to pass on certain information in certain exceptional cases such as when you tell me of acute child endangerment. Should this happen, I make every effort to contact you and let you know I am taking this step.
I will issue written confirmation of the start and completion of your counselling sessions , both of these must be presented to court by you.
Should one parent quit before completion of all required sessions, I must inform court of this using a form which does not include any details or reasons.
Should my assessment lead me to decline counselling you, I must report this to court without stating any reasons.
Should you wish, I am able to issue a short written summary oft he results and any remaining issues for you.
praxis petersdorfer
Psychotherapie | Paartherapie |
Beratung | Supervision | Training
Mag.a (FH) Kathrin Petersdorfer, MSc
Psychotherapeutin (Integrative Therapie)
Mobil: 0676/7221491
Zieglergasse 57/3, 1070 Wien
IBAN: AT97 1420 0200 9449 9861